34. Kinds of Prayer


Prayer is talking to God.
It is possible to pray in a wrong way.  
Name the wrong ways to pray in these verses:

     James 4:3
     Psalm 66:18
     Proverbs 28:9

Right ways to pray:

1. Psalm 100:4 

   When we come before the Lord, how are we supposed to enter His gates?

   How are we supposed to enter His courts?

   What are the two kinds of prayer in this verse?

2. I John 1:9 -- Name another kind of prayer in this verse.

3. Supplication (Requests)
   For others -- A. Ephesians 6:18-19  Who are we commanded to pray for?

		 B. Phil. 1:4  What should be our attitude in praying for
		    for fellow Christians?

   For self -- A. Matt. 6:11,12  What do we pray for ourselves?

	       B. I Samuel 1:27  What did Hannah pray for herself
	          (and received)?


	       C. Matt. 26:41  Why does Jesus tell us to pray for ourselves?

  To get each kind of prayer into our daily lives, it is helpful to 
  remember the word TACS.

	   T - Thanksgiving
	   A - Adoration (praise)
	   C - Confession
	   S - Supplication