5. II Peter 1:2-4

II Peter 1:2-4

Open your Bible to this passage and answer these questions:

Verse 2: 
1. How do you get grace and peace? (Grace has been defined as 
   a God given ability to do something you normally can't do, 
   as "love your enemies")

2. If you lack grace (can't love your enemies, or rejoice evermore, or give 
    thanks in all things, or other things God commands us to do that take grace) 
    then why do you lack grace according to this verse'?

3. If you worry (lack peace) what is the problem?

4. THINK! How do you get the knowledge of God?

Verse 3:

1. What is DIVINE power?

2. What has this power already (past tense) given to us?

3. Then why would I have any problems? (Last 2 clauses)

Verse 4:

1. What does "partaker of the Divine nature" mean?

2. By what are we made partakers of the Divine nature?

3. In this verse, what else do the promises do for us'?

4. Where can I find out what the promises of God are'?

Sometimes we TRY to change our own lives and the result is dead works. 
This study is to help you see how God changes us.