50. Talking to God


When you receive Jesus, God is in you and you can talk to Him
any time.  Talking to God is called PRAYER.  

1.  In the following verses, what are the right ways to pray?
    A. Matthew 21:22

    B. John 15:7

    C. I John 5:14-15

    D. John 16:24

2.  In the following verses, what are the wrong ways to pray?
    A. Psalm 66:18

    B. Matthew 6:5

    C. Matthew 6:7

    D. James 4:2-3

3.  In your own words, what is Jesus telling us about prayer in 
    Matthew 7:7-11?

4.  Jesus gives us a pattern for prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.  What
    does He tell us to pray for in:
	 v. 11

	 v. 12

	 v. 13

5.  Sometimes people pray kneeling.  II Chronicles 6:13
    Sometimes, looking toward heaven.  John 11:41
    Sometimes in a group.  Acts 4:23-24
    Sometimes in secret.  Matthew 6:6
    Sometimes with bowed head.  Genesis 24:26-27
    Sometimes while talking to another person.  Nehemiah 2:4-5
    Sometimes loudly.  Matthew 27:46
    Sometimes silently, I Samuel 1:12-13