51. Teachability

Ecc. 4:13

1.  Why does God give us instruction and rebuke?  Prov. 6:23,
    6:20-22, 4:13

2.  What results does God warn us of if we refuse instruction?
    Prov. 15:10, 5:11-13

3.  What if being taught also includes rebuke, what should our
    reaction be?  Psalm 141:5, Prob. 3:11-12, 10:8, 10:17, 8:33, 12:1

4.  When God chastens us, is it fun?  Heb. 12:11
    Name 3 reactions we can have when God disciplines us:
    Heb. 12:5-7

    Which reaction is right?

5.  Should we listen to everyone's instruction?  Prov. 19:27,
    II Tim. 3:5

6.  If we refuse to listen to God's instruction, what will happen
    to our prayers?  Prov. 28:9