This Easter we wanted to have a big celebration with friends to remember what Christ did for us on the cross and the significance of this event. For us as Christians we choose to remember Christ’s birth on Christmas and His death burial and resurrection on Easter. Our goal is to celebrate Easter with the same enthusiasm that we do Christmas. What would Christmas matter if it were not for Easter?
I had a couple of activities that we like to do each Easter but I searched for any more that may be available. I received an email from a favorite blog of mine that gave me several ideas, too. We had married and single friends with and without children over, and celebrated traveling from one event to another. We started out meeting at our house after our morning service for a potluck lunch and then proceeded with the activities. We tried to do events that would include all ages. We had one or two that were more suited for younger or older. The children would go and play between activities while we prepared the next one. Each time they were eager to run back and see what was on the agenda next which made all the work worthwhile. That weekend had been very busy putting up a fence so I did not have everything in order for each craft, but it worked out fine with the ladies helping prepare the next activity while the children had free play for a few minutes. Go with the flow, do what you can and have fun celebrating the greatest gift ever- ETERNAL LIFE due to Christ’s payment on the cross. We have much to be thankful for and the most wonderful reason to celebrate!!…